24 May, 2025
The weather conditions in May in Samarkand are very pleasant with temperatures remaining around 18 C - 24.5 C
Banks and ATM’s can be found at all official hotels at Silkroad Samarkand complex.
Money exchange 24/7 can be found at Hilton Samarkand Regency.
Doping Control will be performed according to the World Triathlon / WADA rules. Doping Control will be located at the Venue.
There will be First Aid and Emergency Medical Services at the Race Village on competition days. Medical and Paramedical personnel will be available throughout the competition times. Several ambulances will be available to provide emergency transfers to the hospital. A medical area will be provided on site at the Finish area within the stadium.
Medical services at the venue are free of charge. Treatment in clinics and practices is to be paid by the participants.
Athletes / teams should make sure that they have appropriate medical insurance.
The race will follow the latest published edition of Competition rules of the World Triathlon and Para Triathlon World Championships.
Standard procedures will be followed according to the World Triathlon Competition Rules.
Results will be uploaded live to the World Triathlon’s official website: www.triathlon.org. All the results information will be at the LOC Information Office.